My viral load

Viral load is amount of HIV in your blood. Viral load tests measure this amount.

Use this tool to track your vital load over time, and to set up reminders to go to your next viral load test.


This is my current viral load.
My last test was on ...

My next test is on ...

My viral load graph


My viral load

This is my current viral load.My last test was on ...

My next test is on ...

My viral load graph

Viral load is amount of HIV in your blood. Viral load tests measure this amount.

Use this tool to track your vital load over time, and to set up reminders to go to your next viral load test.

Setup & reminders

To receive notifications, be sure to add the app to your mobile device’s home screen!

Reset to zero

Setup profile

You need a profile to setup My viral load

If you already have a profile, please log in.

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